RF System Design Accelerators: Hardware Development Tools and Ecosystem To Speed Time-to-Market and Reduce Risk

Today’s RF and radio system architecture can be divided into three separate blocks: the up/down converter, the baseband processor, and the RF front end. Presently, there are three highly integrated radio solutions to consider depending on your operating frequency and bandwidth requirements: integrated transceiver ICs, which operate from 30-6000 MHz and offer bandwidth of 12 kHz to 200 MHz; up/down converter ICs that operate from 2-44 GHz and can offer bandwidth up to 1.4 GHz; and high speed converters or mixed signal front ends (MxFEs), that can operate up to 6 GHz transmit and 3.2 GHz receive and offer bandwidth up to 1 GHz. To complete the radio system, one of these approaches will be combined with a suitable system on chip / baseband processor and possibly a high-power RF front end. With standard, off-the-shelf modules of these system blocks, you can now start software and algorithm development in hours instead of months. These hardware modules can also be tailored to your requirements, either under license or as customized hardware. Technical support is available throughout the process.